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4 steps to a stress-free session with your kids | Montreal Family Photographer

Updated: Jan 16, 2023

I think one of the biggest concerns for parents is if their kids will behave. Don’t worry I get it. But from my perspective as a photographer, it’s really of no concern. This isn’t something that stresses me out, My approach is different. I want them to run, play, and just be themselves. It really makes for cute, candid pictures. I have plenty of tricks up my sleeve to make it fun while still getting beautiful pictures.


Tell your children about the photo shoot ahead of time. Let them know how it will be and your expectations. Let them know you are excited and your enthusiasm will surely rub off on them. You can even show them some of my pictures too!


Typically children like to help out. They like to be involved in events. So make them part of the process. Let them see clothing options and help them pick out an outfit! prepare them in advance let them be involved In my experience the only time children are grumpy is if the are hungry, thirsty or tired. Make sure they have a little extra nap that day.


Definitely bring something to drink and some snacks. It is totally fine to bring some treats as bribes- this always works. If you have young children, don’t forget some diapers, wipes and even an extra change of clothes. bring backup


I want to capture the true essence of your kids. Don’t worry if your child is running about, active or even moody, I will capture them while they are busy playing and exploring. Trust me, I’ve got this.

Have you booked your family session yet? 2022 calendar is now open. Click here to reserve your spot!

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